Self Esteem
I recently read the article, Low Self Esteem, by Saul McLeod. This article is very informative for an individual who would like to know more about low self esteem. Even people that don't think they have low self esteem should read this article. It is important that a person knows information about low self esteem so that they can understand how other people might be feeling. The article Low Self Esteem informs the reader about the causes, affects, and statistics of low self esteem.
There are many causes of low self esteem. Most people develop their low self esteem during childhood. The cause can be different for everyone. Some common causes include: physical punishment, neglect, being singled out, and poor and unfair treatment. The article explains this well.

The people that have a low self esteem on a regular basis tend to be effected by it. Many tend to feel unhappy, unmotivated, insecure and angry often. They appear to be shy, dependent, negative, underachieving, and fearful. A constant low self esteem can contribute to major life changing issues such as different types of depression and anxiety. Once a person reaches these stages, it is no longer just a low self esteem they have, its a serious mental illness.
A low self esteem has negative effects on a person, but a very high self esteem may have negative effects as well. Individuals with an overly high self esteem have a habit of getting into fights/arguements, because they always think they are right. Also, they have trouble with friends and relationships because they don't apologize or admit that they were wrong. So, its best to try to keep your level of self esteem to a medium level. The article Low Self Esteem can give the reader all the information he or she needs on the subject.
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