Friday, December 6, 2013


I appreciate many people. My mom, my friends, any of my relatives, but for right now I'm just going to talk about how much I appreciate my boyfriend. 

You have been here for me more than anyone else recently. I appreciate you for several reasons: you always pick me up if I don't have a ride somewhere, you always makes food for me when I go to your house, you always let me choose what movies we watch, if my phone rings you will get up and get it for me, if I say I'm thirsty you stop whatever you're doing to get me a drink, if I cry you just lay with me and don't ask questions, when we fight you get mad at yourself instead of at me, you help me with homework that I don't understand, you buy me whatever I ask for and give me nice presents and don't expect anything in return, you tell me how our life is going to be in the future and that you will spoil me and take care of me. I appreciate all of that stuff and more. I try to always tell you thank you, and explain how much I appreciate you, but it never seems like enough to me.

When I become a parent...

I don't want to become a parent... Ever. A mini me would be adorable and everything, yes, but it would just be too much work for me. I'm a perfectionist, so I would obsess over EVERYTHING about my child. Then it would become a teenager and not even like me anymore, because most teens don't like their parents, in my experience. So parenting would just be a lot of work with no reward, for me anyway.

But, for the purpose of this blog post, I'll tell you what I would do if I were to become a parent. When a person becomes a parent, their parenting style is generally quite similar to their own parent's. 

I wouldn't do anything that my dad did. He is and was a pretty awful parent. For that reason, I don't trust him and I don't respect him, though I am obligated to love him. I would never follow in his parenting footsteps.

My mom, on the other hand, was and is a pretty good parent. If I were to be a parent, I would spend a lot of time with my kids, begin teaching them educational things at a very young age, and never judge them; just as my mom did for me.